
Business Cheetah 2015
The dynamic development and growth of the market value of the company ENAP has been recognized by the National Institute of Business in the tenth edition of the Business Cheetah 2015. The title was awarded to companies whose market value for the years 2014 to 2015 has increased by more than 10%.

18 December was held VI edition of the Volleyball Tournament ENAPSE CUP 2015. The competition was attended by five teams representing the energy sector: ENERGO-SYSTEM, PSE Radom, APS Energy, APS Energia Russia, ENAP SA. Sport competition, cheering fans, cheers and fantastic atmosphere filled that day Sports Hall in Kozienice. Emotions reached Zenit to the last minute…
18 December was held VI edition of the Volleyball Tournament ENAPSE CUP 2015. The competition was attended by five teams representing the energy sector: ENERGO-SYSTEM, PSE Radom, APS Energy, APS Energia Russia, ENAP SA. Sport competition, cheering fans, cheers and fantastic atmosphere filled that day Sports Hall in Kozienice. Emotions reached Zenit to the last minute of the tournament. Enap’s team represented by the Management Board and employees composed of Dariusz Drabiuk, Tomasz Jagiełło, Michał Maszkiewicz, Tomasz Jeziorowski, Krzysztof Jeziorowski, Maciej Piórecki, Michael Kłos and Norbert Bazyl, he defended last year’s Champion ENAPSE CUP.
Our volleyball players were also noticed when granting individual awards. MVP of the tournament was Krzysztof Jeziorowski, the best spiker- Dariusz Drabiuk and the title of the best blocker Tomasz Jeziorowski. After handing statuettes and medals at the Sports Hall, all guests were invited to a gala dinner.
Thank to the organizer- company APS Energia for great fun.
Congratulations to our winners and wish that they were always in the form!
Wilczkowice Górne 41, 26-900 Kozienice
ENAP S.A. Northern region of Poland
Marcowa 2/2A Street, 80-178 Gdańsk
ENAP S.A. Southern region of Poland
Porcelanowa 10 Street, room. 2, 40-246 Katowice
» Our offer
» News
» Work
» Alternative energy sources
» Industry
» Paper
» Power engineering
» Chemical
» Preparation of project documentation
» Gathering of required equipment
» Producing of prefabricates
» Delivery of materials and installation
» Programming of control drivers
» Conducting of adjustment
» Mechanical and technological start-up
» Preparation of project documentation
Firma ENAP S.A. uzyskała dofinansowanie z Unii Europejskiej ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz z budżetu państwa na realizację projektu w ramach działania 1.5 RPO WM 2007-2013, pt: „Budowa oraz unowocześnienie zaplecza produkcyjno-usługowego na potrzeby uruchomienia produkcji urządzeń elektroenergetycznych wykorzystujących odnawialne źródła energii oraz usług w zakresie badań certyfikacyjnych”. Informacje źródłowe na temat Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Mazowieckiego 2007-2013 znajdują się na stronie: www.mazowia.eu