From the very beginning our company has been actively participating in promoting the idea of generating electricity from Renewable Energy Sources / RES /. The company’s activity in this area is focused on wind energy and solar farms. In connection with the observed effect of global warming due to pollution of the Earth’s atmosphere we are convinced that this branch has a future.

Poland is obliged by the European Union regulations to gradually implement renewable energy technologies in its area. Such requirements are imposed mainly on local governments including municipalities. Increasingly private investors are willing to invest their own funds in the construction of solar farms in order to become independent of domestic operators. Based on our experience we are competent advisors for such investors at every stage of their investment planning.

We have successfully completed a number of projects which means that we are invited to such investments. We also undertake the investment from the preparation phase of project assumptions, through design and ending with commissioning.


Company’s offer in the field of Renewable Energy Sources installation

  • delivery of ready installations in the „turnkey” system or their individual components
  • development of initial assumptions for design
  • preparation of project documentation
  • device selection, delivery and completing of wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, inverters, batteries and controllers
  • field assembly, commissioning and operational tests of both individual devices and complete systems
  • commissioning of ready facilities together with service training
  • warranty and post-warranty service
  • preparation of as-built documentation




Wilczkowice Górne 41, 26-900 Kozienice

ENAP S.A. Southern region of Poland

Porcelanowa 60 Street, room. 2, 40-246 Katowice












                        » Our offer

                        » News

                        » Work

                        » References

                  » Industry

                  » Paper

                  » Power engineering

                  » Chemical

     » Preparation of project documentation

     » Gathering of required equipment

     » Producing of prefabricates

     » Delivery of materials and installation

     » Programming of control drivers

     » Conducting of adjustment

     » Mechanical and technological start-up

     » Preparation of project documentation



Firma ENAP S.A. uzyskała dofinansowanie z Unii Europejskiej ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz z budżetu państwa na realizację projektu w ramach działania 1.5 RPO WM 2007-2013, pt: „Budowa oraz unowocześnienie zaplecza produkcyjno-usługowego na potrzeby uruchomienia produkcji urządzeń elektroenergetycznych wykorzystujących odnawialne źródła energii oraz usług w zakresie badań certyfikacyjnych”. Informacje źródłowe na temat Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Mazowieckiego 2007-2013 znajdują się na stronie: