

The ENAP company with its registered office in Wilczkowice Górne was founded in 2001 and from the beginning functioned as an employee company, organized in the form of a limited liability company. In October 2008 ENAP Sp. z o. o. by unanimous decision of its shareholders, joined the APS Energia SA Group and in December 2009 it was transformed into a Joint Stock Company, bearing the name ENAP S.A. In August 2013, the APS Energia S.A. Group with the ENAP S.A. company  made its debut on the New Connect market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, while in October 2015 the Group debuted on the WSE main floor.

Our service your success

ENAP S.A. is a fully organized enterprise. The company employs high skilled and experienced staff  with required qualifications and permissions. Our Team has many years of experience in construction and modernization of Thermal Power Plants, CHP Plants, Oil Refineries, Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, Pulp and Paper Plants, Gas Reduction Stations and Compressor Stations. Our headquarters and technical facilities are located next to the Kozienice Power Plant.

ENAP team performs projects in the field of I&C systems and electrical installation across the country and outside Poland in Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Sweden, Estonia, Macedonia and Romania. The dynamic development of the company contributed to create the South Region in 2014 with headquarters in Katowice and in December 2015 with headquarters in Gdańsk. This fact shows how ENAP transforms from a small local company  into a company with nationwide coverage. At present ENAP S.A. employs nearly 100 people. Thanks to qualified staff and many years of experience the company has a very good reputation among contractors.







Wilczkowice Górne 41, 26-900 Kozienice, NIP: 812-17-75-885

ENAP S.A. Southern region of Poland

Porcelanowa 60 Street, room. 2, 40-246 Katowice












                        » Our offer

                        » News

                        » Work

                        » References

                  » Industry

                  » Paper

                  » Power engineering

                  » Chemical

     » Preparation of project documentation

     » Gathering of required equipment

     » Producing of prefabricates

     » Delivery of materials and installation

     » Programming of control drivers

     » Conducting of adjustment

     » Mechanical and technological start-up

     » Preparation of project documentation



Firma ENAP S.A. uzyskała dofinansowanie z Unii Europejskiej ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz z budżetu państwa na realizację projektu w ramach działania 1.5 RPO WM 2007-2013, pt: „Budowa oraz unowocześnienie zaplecza produkcyjno-usługowego na potrzeby uruchomienia produkcji urządzeń elektroenergetycznych wykorzystujących odnawialne źródła energii oraz usług w zakresie badań certyfikacyjnych”. Informacje źródłowe na temat Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Mazowieckiego 2007-2013 znajdują się na stronie: