AC LV Distribution board

Company’s offer in the field of distribution boards installation and prefabrication
- distribution boards assembly according to own designs and based on third-party designs
- distribution boards performance with separation of compartments from forms 1 to 4 in accordance with PN-EN 60439-1-2003 / A1: 2006
- our distribution boards include network configurations: TNC, TNS, TNCS, TT / IT
- distribution boards prefabrication with main devices in the fixed or withdrawable version
- equipped with ATS systems (Automatic Reserve Switching on) from various manufacturers including systems based on Zelio Logic relays (Schneider Electric) and ATS022 automatic switches (ABB)
- we equip on request distribution boards with SAN3 automatic supervision systems designed to monitor voltages, currents, temperatures and switch states
- we install standard SHARK-100 network parameter meters in switchgears, which are modern, professional network meters with the possibility of remote monitoring via RS485 provided with a five-year warranty
Advantages of our Distribution boards
- high quality workmanship
- transparent constructions for trouble-free access to each element
- the possibility of easy and quick replacement of elements including its extension
- effective reduction of the effects of electrical short circuits by introducing compartment separation in accordance with standards
- adaptation of the distribution boards construction to the individual requirements of each client
- protection up to IP 55 inclusive
- professional warranty and post-warranty service
- short delivery
- all distribution boards are equipped with QR codes
ENAP SA deals with the prefabrication of LV distribution boards and cabinets. Our components are made based on investor’s and own designs. The basic suppliers of components are EATON, ABB, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, GE, PHOENIX CONTACT, WAGO and PARTEX. We treat each prefabrication process individually, whether they are prefabricated switchgears, automation protection cabinets, DCS control panels or own needs.
» Industry
» Paper
» Power engineering
» Chemical
» Preparation of project documentation
» Gathering of required equipment
» Producing of prefabricates
» Delivery of materials and installation
» Programming of control drivers
» Conducting of adjustment
» Mechanical and technological start-up
» Preparation of project documentation
Firma ENAP S.A. uzyskała dofinansowanie z Unii Europejskiej ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz z budżetu państwa na realizację projektu w ramach działania 1.5 RPO WM 2007-2013, pt: „Budowa oraz unowocześnienie zaplecza produkcyjno-usługowego na potrzeby uruchomienia produkcji urządzeń elektroenergetycznych wykorzystujących odnawialne źródła energii oraz usług w zakresie badań certyfikacyjnych”. Informacje źródłowe na temat Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Mazowieckiego 2007-2013 znajdują się na stronie: www.mazowia.eu